
GoMAD - Madrid Go UG - Processing big amounts of data one step at a time by Carlos Cobo

Monday 21 September 2015, 19:30 - 20:30

C/Gran Vía 28, Madrid, Madrid, España

Bueno pues después de una merecidas vacaciones ya estamos de vuelta.  En este nuevo año (lectivo) queremos probar una cosa nueva, y es por defecto dar las charlas en ingles.  Our main goal is open the door of our meetup to the the non-spanish fluent speakers living on Madrid.  So here is our first talk for this new year.

Talk description:  We do a lot of crawling in Tyba. I, myself also do a lot of crawling in my free time. In this talk I’ll cover some concurrency patterns, nothing new or fancy, just what I found useful along my experience with Go. Next up would be the parsing part, almost all crawling nowadays involves parsing HTML or JSON. Finally I'll go through different strategies (caching, politeness, authentication, performance).

About Carlos Cobo: I work at Tyba. My job there is crawling anything you can think of and automating our systems to process all that data. I have a couple of possible known projects like webbrowser (Go port of Python's module) and minero (a Minecraft server written in Go). There's more but not known or not even finished. - @toqueteos, yeah, that's my real handle. Also my gmail.

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps