
GoMAD - Madrid Go UG - Moving MongoDB components to Go por Norberto Leite

Wednesday 25 February 2015, 19:30 - 20:30

C/Gran Vía 28, Madrid, Madrid, España

En febrero contamos con un ponente de altura, Norberto Leite, que nos trea su charla "Moving MongoDB components to Go" una charla que se dará/dío en el FOSDEM 2015, Noberto es Technical Evangelist en MongoDB Inc. Descripción de la charla: 

MongoDB is one of the most popular databases in the world to date and we love Go. As part of MongoDB package comes a set of tools and utilities that allow the user to perform several different tasks on MongoDB like exporting data, important, collecting stats etc. Part of the ecosystem around MongoDB is also MMS(MongoDB Management Service) which allows users to monitor, backup and automate their MongoDB deployments using a centralized SaaS service. MMS agents are already Go applications and we are also migrating MongoDB tools to Go codebase, among other internal tools. This is potentially the largest distribution of Go applications to date in an opensource project! This talk explains why we’ve undergone such code base change, our expectations and the actual benefits that we are already seeing due to this change: better code base better testability better deployment / multiplatform (goodbye #IFDEF statements in C++ code base) better performance The talk is oriented to people looking to make a similar task of changing their current apps to Go, people looking to understand the pros and cons (mostly pros) of using Go for such set of utilities and agents and for people interested in understanding how to manage a Go code base distribution.

Sobre Norberto Leite

"My name is Norberto I'm a Mongophoer that works for MongoDB" <a href="http://www.manning.com/videla/"></a>

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps