
Ember.js Barcelona - Ember BCN November

Thursday 5 November 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

c/ Àlaba 61,5-2,Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Hi everyone and welcome back!  This is our second Meetup and the first after summer and full stack Fest. Finding a location has been a bit more complicated than expected. But the nice people of Itnig are happy to host us :) We are going to have 4 talks from fellows Embereños: Oliver - @ollysb: Starting with ember-cli. Tair - @tair: Deploying an Ember app on Dockbit. Joel Alejandro - @joelalejandro: Ember en el gobierno: Servicios para el ciudadano con Ember, .NET, SignalR y Oracle Mario - @marioginitili: Tests de acceptación en apps de Ember-CLI We also have a slack community: emberbarcelona. Please leave a message if you'd like to be invited. Silvia

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps