
Docker Barcelona - Service Discovery Talk and Live Demo

Thursday 10 December 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Diagonal 561, 5ª Planta, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

The more services we have, the bigger the chance for a conflict to occur if we are using predefined ports. After all, there can be no two services listening on the same port. Managing a tight list of all the ports used by, lets say, hundred services is a challenge in itself. Add to that list the databases those services need and the number grows even more. For that reason we should deploy services without specifying the port and letting Docker assign a random one for us. The only problem is that we need to discover the port number and let others know about it. Things will get even more complicated later on when we start working on a distributed system with services deployed into one of the multiple servers. We can choose to define in advance which service goes to which server but that would cause a lot of problems. We should try to utilize server resources as best we can and that is hardly possible if we define in advance where to deploy each service. Another problem is that automatic scaling of services would be difficult at best and not to mention automatic recuperation from, let's say, server failure. On the other hand, if we deploy services to the server that has, for example, least number of containers running, we need to add the IP to the list of data needed to be discovered and stored somewhere. There are many other examples of cases when we need to store and retrieve (discover) some information related to the services we are working with. This talk is about principles behind service discovery, tools that we can use and a live demo.

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps