
Docker Barcelona - Docker Barcelona Meetup, August 2015

Thursday 27 August 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Llacuna 162, Barcelona, España

This month we have a visitor at Barcelona from Docker HQ, David Calavera from the Docker Engine team. He will give a talk about about trust and/or plugins, after that we'll have an open session for questions.

The agenda is the following: 19:00-19:05 Introduction19:05-19:45 David Calavera - trust and plugins19:45-20:15 Lightning Talks20:15-21:00 Open Session for Q&A As always we'll have room for lightning talks so that people can share their use cases with the rest. UPDATE: The event has moved date/place to 27th of August at Barcelona Activa. Make sure to check your RSVPs. ps. If you have a talk proposal, submit it here so that we can organize it for the next events.

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps