
Docker Barcelona - Call for Papers: Docker Meetup on December

Thursday 14 December 2017, 19:00 - 20:00

Plaça Catalunya 1, 5th Floor A/B, Barcelona, España

Hello Dockers, Here is an announcement that the call for papers is now open for our next Docker Barcelona Meetup. If you want have an idea worth spreading, you're welcome to give a talk on our meetup. The proposal can be either a 30-45 min presentation, or a 5-10 min lightning talk. On each meetup we have two slots for presentations and some time for lightning talks. To propose your talk, submit an Issue at https://github.com/docker-barcelona/speakers/issues/new --- Current Schedule: - 19:00-19:15 Introduction- 19:15-20:00 Optimizing IoT with Multi-Stage Docker Builds by Tim Perry In Docker 17.05, a fantastic new feature quietly appeared: multi-stage builds. In this talk, we'll look at what these are, how they can improve your Docker build infrastructure, and how we at Resin.io use them to optimize containers for IoT.

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Publicado por: Betabeers