
databeers madrid III

Thursday 18 September 2014, 19:00 - 21:00

Calle Alameda 22, Madrid, Madrid, España

The next DataBeers event is ready! This time we will meet September 18th at 19:00 at HUB NEXT Calle Alameda 22 (esq. calle San Blas).

Please, register here for the event: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-databeers-18092014-no-hace-falta-traer-entrada-impresa-12927583751

Our invited data-speakers:
"Decide". Pedro Concejero. (Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo)
"Models: pets and herds". Carlos J. Gil Bellosta (http://www.datanalytics.com)
“Big data needs artist explorers”. Fran Castillo (http://francastillo.net/)
"La Geografía de las Redes Sociales Urbanas". Carlos Herrera (http://humnetlab.mit.edu/findingbacon/)

Come data-thirsty and bring over friends and data-enthusiasts, the more the merrier!

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Publicado por: Marcelo Soria Rodríguez

1 Asistentes

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