
Barcelona Software Craftsmanship - Implementing Microservices with Actors, Vaughn Vernon

Thursday 30 June 2016, 19:00 - 20:00

Llacuna 56-70 Building B, 1st floor., Barcelona, España

What are microservices all about, and are they practical for your enterprise? How granular should a microservice be, and what approach should you use to determine the proper and appropriate boundaries between microservices? How can each microservice communicate with others in a distributed computing environment to correctly fulfill business objectives? How can my microservices adhere to the tenets of reactive software, being responsive, resilient, elastic, and message driven? Using the Java platform wih Akka and Akka.NET for the .NET platform, this talk will demonstrate how you can implement microservices while answering all of the questions posed, and more. The talk will show you how to carefully craft microservices and to model the business domain within. It's actors to the rescue with massive concurrency and scalability! Vaughn Vernon will be giving his famous “Implementing Domain-Driven Design Workshop” in Barcelona the 27-29th of June, for more information: https://idddworkshop.com/

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Publicado por: Betabeers