
Barcelona Software Craftsmanship - Coding Dojo: Red Pencil Sale Kata

Monday 3 October 2016, 19:00 - 20:00

Avda. Diagonal, 605 PLANTA 4a Recepción, Barcelona, España

We'll work in pairs doing outisde-in TDD to code the Red Pencil Sale Kata. This kata is meant to mimic a "real world" feature request. We'll have to develop code to start and/or stop "red pencil" promotions/sales given certain conditions of the red pencil price and existing promotions/sales, see the link above for more details. We'll use test doubles to stub/mock the price and promotions/sales repositories that the promotions/sales code needs. Important:Bring your laptop with your development environment and your favourite tests and test doubles libraries for the language you plan to use already installed.

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Publicado por: Betabeers