
Barcelona Software Craftsmanship - Coding Dojo: Open-Closed Principle Kata

Monday 19 October 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

Llacuna 56-70 - Building A, 1st floor​, Barcelona, España

We'll meet and practice with the Open-Closed Principle kata http://bit.ly/1FT8m4Z by Matteo Vaccari. To access eBay premises you must fill this form: http://bit.ly/1jeHF0j In this style of kata you must follow these rules: 1. Write a failing test. 2. Write a setup that builds a object that makes the tests pass. 3. Write next failing test. 4. Can you make it pass by just changing the setup and creating new classes? - Yes: Great! Go back to step 3. - No: Refactor until you can!

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps