
Barcelona Python Meetup - Python May Meetup

Thursday 19 May 2016, 19:00 - 20:00

Sancho de Ávila 133, 2nd floor, Espai comú, Barcelona, España

Talks:  • Plone 5, by Eric Steele (@esteele) In October, The Plone community released Plone 5.0. I'll give a short overview of Plone 5's features and discuss what "hackability" means to us and how we're working to bring it back to Plone. Language: English • How containers helped a SaaS startup be developed and go live, by Ramon Navarro (@bloodbare) We at Intranetum as an startup decided to push for a complex SaaS solution that can scale on a machine learning product in November 2015. At that time we had 3 months to be able to have a working first implementation that could be used in production. An architecture with more than 30 components and the need to scale fast needed to design how we were going to develop / deploy and scale. Based on DevOps ideas we decided to push for a Docker + Kubernettes + Jenkins for development/testing/staging/production autodeployment. I'm going to explain how we used this tools to achieve our objective and our conclusions for the future. Language: English • Pyramid, a good alternative to Flask and Django, by Nathan Van Gheem (@vangheezy) Learn about the Pyramid Python web framework and what use cases it is useful with. Attendees will learn differences between Pyramid and other popular Python frameworks and what sets Pyramid apart. Language: English

Hosting: BarcelonaActiva (Carrer Llacuna, 162 -164, 08018 Barcelona)

Access Control (IMPORTANT): There is access control in the building, so we are going to provide security the attendee list. Make sure you have your full name (first name and surname) in your profile. Users without their full name will be removed from the list. We're limited to 70 people, please be responsible when signing up and free up your seat before 13:00 the same day meetup is taking place (after that, attendees list IS NOT GOING TO BE UPDATED). -------------------------------------------------------------  If you want to give a talk at the next python Meetup, please submit your ideas through this form: http://pybcn.org/call-for-speakers.html<a href="http://tiny.cc/pybcn-propose-talk"></a>

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Publicado por: Betabeers