
Barcelona Python Meetup - Python June Meetup

Thursday 20 June 2019, 19:00 - 20:00

Carrer de Floridablanca, 92, Barcelona, España

# Talks - 1) Don't talk, scheme! By Tin MarkovićMake service integration easier with schemata Services (Micro or SOA) often introduce misunderstandings between teams and parties. During development, there's always room for change and improvement - things are flexible. This can be problematic with several teams and several services in parallel. Bind them with schema. Enforce the schema programmatically and use it to test. Reuse internal standards through your ecosystem, without consistency issues on your dependents. Examples are in Python: implementation and demonstration of some principles, and how they integrate. Duration: 25 min.Language: English - 2) Automatize reports using Google Slides API In the presentation I'll try to show the main pain-points between the idea of creation an automatic report and the way we've solved. Usefull stuff: -Creation of google credentials-Make API calls+ Insert images+ Replace images and text+ Insert shapes+ Copy presentations+ Delete slides https://medium.com/@victor.perez.berruezohttps://twitter.com/vperezbhttps://github.com/vperezbhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/vperezb- Duration: 15 min. -3) From legacy code to modern code by Stanislav Geidl Starting a new project is fun. But what about an existing project consisting of big monolithic legacy code in Python 2 that has no tests and breaks often? Would you start from scratch to rebuild this project? We decided to do it the opposite way - we started to change our current code a step by step. Refactoring the old code was a hard time full of trials and errors. From the beginning, we could only rely on weak monitoring to reveal bugs or not properly working service. We ended up in a position where new release would put us in the risk, and we were afraid to do it. Enhanced monitoring allowed us to stabilize the service until we were able to add tests. With every small improvement our confidence rose, maintenance became easier and adding new features became smoother. Finally, we were ready for the biggest step - switch to Python 3. After a year full of preparations, this exciting and successful work took us only a few days. But we did not stop there. We needed to improve the architecture and break the monolith to single-purpose packages, which we could connect via dependency injection. We followed the SOLID principles which allowed us to make better tests and to make our code more flexible to big changes. Duration: 30 min.Language: English -4) Pytest: recomendaciones, paquetes básicos para testing en Python y Django - Andreu Vallbona Esta charla no trata sobre buenas prácticas de testing sino de la presentación y consejos de uso sobre una selección “curada” de plugins de pytest., dentro del gran ecosistema, que hemos ido encontrando durante el desarrollo de proyectos, sobretodo de proyectos con Django. Esta charla está pensada para introducir a los desarrolladores una serie de paquetes para usar conjuntamente con pytest para tareas de testing, bien sea para tests unitarios, funcionales o de integración, y sobretodo, aplicado a proyectos Django. Se explicará brevemente los conceptos básicos de pytest. Algunos de los paquetes que se comentaran serán: pytest-django, pytest-watch, pytest-testmon, model-mommy, pytest-flake8.. @avallbona # Access Control- The security access control requires an attendee list. Provide your full name in your profile, otherwise you will be REMOVED from the list.- People under 18 years old only allowed accompanied by one parent or legal guardian.- There are limited seats, please BE RESPONSIBLE when signing up. If you can't make it, please free up your seat, so someone else can attend. We keep a blacklist with repeated offenders! # More- We need talk proposals! Send yours: http://pybcn.org/call-for-proposals/- Wanna publish a job offer? https://pybcn.org/job-offers/- Follow @PyBCN for pictures, slides, videos and more: https://twitter.com/pybcn

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Publicado por: Betabeers