
Barcelona Python Meetup - Python April Meetup

Thursday 19 April 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Plaza Catalunya, 1, Barcelona, España

# Talks 1) TTN <3 Python by Xose Pérez(Catalan/Spanish, ~45 minutes) > Des de TTNCat estem treballant per impulsar una xarxa de telemetria oberta, lliure i neutral. Volem donar a conèixer la tecnologia LoRa/LoRaWan amb la intenció de generar casos d'ús a la ciutat. És part d'un pilot que també inclou el desplegament de 15 gateways TTN a Barcelona i la realització de 2 hackatons. > Existeixen solucions comercials i DIY que permeten programar dispositius IoT amb MicroPython i connectar-los a la xarxa TTN. La intenció de la xerrada serà explicar una mica què és TTN/LoRa/LoRaWan, veure algun exemple, algun hardware i convidar qui vulgui a unir-se a la comunitat. 2) High Altitude Python by Juampe López(English, ~30 minutes) > We visited the stratosphere with a big helium-filled balloon and a long string of capsules that were ready to do some citizen science. The Koroliov 2 capsule featured a Raspberry Pi Zero running Linux and some sweet Python scripts that made the job easier. # Access Control - The security access control requires an attendee list. Provide your full name in your profile, otherwise you will be REMOVE from the list. - There are limited seats, please be responsible when signing up. If you can't make it, please free up your seat, so someone else can attend. We'll notice repeat offenders ;-) # More - We need talk proposals! Send yours: http://pybcn.org/call-for-proposals/- Wanna publish a job offer? https://www.meetup.com/python-185/pages/24606847/Job_offers/- Follow @PyBCN for pictures, slides and more: https://twitter.com/pybcn

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Publicado por: Betabeers