
Barcelona Cassandra Users - Cassandra Intro & Java driver architectures

Thursday 20 November 2014, 18:30 - 19:30

Carrer de Fontanella 2, Barcelona, España

We are very excited about our next meetup as we will have an expert from DataStax joining us for this.

Schedule: 18:30 – Reception (with drinks and snacks) 19:00 –  Introduction to Cassandra19:30 -  Cassandra drivers architecture & tools20:30 –  Networking  ------ Speaker:DuyHai Doan DuyHai is a Cassandra technical advocate. He spends his time between technical presentations/meetups on Cassandra, coding on open source projects to support the community and helping all  companies using Cassandra to make their project successful. Previously he was working as a freelance Java/Cassandra consultant

Title:  Introduction to Cassandra In this session, we’ll introduce Apache Cassandra, highlight its architecture, consistency and replication model to explain how the database can provide linear scalability, high availability and consistent performance. There will be a quick overview of the Cassandra data model, query language and tooling for developers

Title:Cassandra drivers architecture & tools For this session, we’ll highlight the general architecture of all Datastax Cassandra drivers to show how they help achieving high availability and reliability in a distributed environment. We also introduce some tools(Dev Center, Ops Center) that will make developers and ops daily tasks easier

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Publicado por: Miquel Camps