
BankScrap Hackathon (2nd Edition)

Plazas libres: 12

Saturday 31 October 2015, 11:30 - 20:00

Calle Rodriguez San Pedro 2, Madrid, España

Next Saturday we'll be hosting a hackathon at Gudog's office.

What is Bankscrap?
BankScrap is a Ruby gem to extract balances and transactions from multiple banks.

Background and motivation
Most banks don't offer public APIs and the only way to access your data (balance and transactions) is through their websites or mobile apps... and as you probably know most bank websites and apps are a f*cking nightmare.

We are developers and we don't want to waste time doing things we are able to automate. Having to perform 20 clicks in an awful website just to check how much money we have is not something we like.

If you want to know more about BankScrap's motivations you can watch the talk we gave at Madrid.rb.

What can I do with Bankscrap?
At Diacode we use it for fetching our bank transactions and displaying them in a Slack channel. Our billing application also uses BankScrap to fetch our bank transactions.

Many people are also taking advantage of BankScrap just for individual use, like keeping track of their personal finances from the command line (how cool is that?).

Think about Bankscrap as an API for your bank. Use your imagination.

What's the goal of the hackathon?
* Review existing PRs (mainly @mikz's PR to split BankScrap into multiple gems)
* Add tests (for God's sake!).
* Add support for more banks (you can work on your own bank adapter and we'll help you).
* Have fun
* Profit?

Who can attend?
Anyone who knows basic Ruby and hates his bank's website. It'd be nice if you get access to a bank account from a different bank so we can work on adding support for it (Bankia, Caixa, etc.)

BTW... it's free and there will be free coffee and donuts. For lunch we'll go to Goiko Grill (that's not covered).

For people who are not in Madrid, **you can also participate in the hackathon remotely**. We'll setup a Hangout and a Slack channel for the event.

Wait... isn't Bitcoin the future of banking?
Yes, definitely it is. But until the day when we can pay our rent with Bitcoin comes, we are not gonna waste more time fighting our banks' websites.

Más información

Publicado por: Javier Cuevas

3 Asistentes