
Agile-Barcelona Meetup - Design for Hapiness

Thursday 15 November 2018, 18:30 - 19:30

Plaça Catalunya 1, 4th Floor, Barcelona, España

Barcelona is and has always been the city where creatives meet. And today it's also become a Tech hub, growing from day to day.We want to unite those two sides of the city to learn from each other, to connect and share so we can solve challenges that we have in common. Why IT and Tech?Because Software Development, or: creating a digital products is a highly creative mission and therefore profession BUT we (as in folks involved somehow in Software Development) dont view ourselves, or our colleagues as creative workers. Except maybe for the UX Designer. Status Quo in Product Development from a managing point of view Unsatisfying Quantity and quality of ideasDevelopment speed of projects perceived as slowRemote teams. How to enable, steer and trustMotivation and Churn Rates: what’s beyond the paycheck And it's because there is a thing in those IT departments: We think its a production job.We understand delivery and apply successfully (agile) Frameworks.But do we understand creativity (and therefore Product Discovery? and what Mindsets and Frameworks are We applying?

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Publicado por: Betabeers