
Tetuan Valley Alumni Meetup

Available seats: 49

Wednesday 29 February 2012, 19:00 - 23:30

Irish Rover - Avda. del Brazil 7, Madrid, España

Tetuan Valley’s aim is not to become a step in the process of generating a startup ecosystem, but being part of the epicenter of such ecosystem. Hence, we do not want entrepreneurs to come and go, but to remain connected with each, to collaborate and help build a community of like-minded individuals.

In order to enable and empower this community, we organize the Tetuan Valley Alumni Meetups in which all former participants in either an edition of Tetuan Valley Startup School or Tetuan Valley Carabanchel Accelerator Space can attend to share their experiences, anecdotes and a few laughs with other peers. Although this events are initially targeted to our Alumni they are far from being a private event. If you want to meet the Tetuan Valley people, sign up for the next one here!

Tickets here: http://www.ticketea.com/tetuanvalleyalumnimeetupdecember2011

More information

Published by: Nast Marrero

1 Assistants