
Madrid MongoDB User Group - Vuelta de Vaciones Madrid MUG

Thursday 18 September 2014, 19:00 - 20:00

Calle María de Molina 27, Madrid, España

Hola MUG members, Aprovechando que la gente tiene los niveles de energia a tope, fruto de las vacaciones, vamos a organizar otro interesantissimo MUG dia 18 de Septiembre. Queremos dar a conocer un par de ejemplos de proyectos reales y alguna que otra sorpresa (mas detalles de las ponencias en los próximos dias) Va a tener lugar en el CIFF por lo tanto reserva ya tu plaza!  ================================ To make the most of the recharged batteries that vacation has provided, we are organising another interesting MUG on the 18th of September.  We are going to have at least 2 interesting talks around use cases of MongoDB applied in production environments (Details will come shortly)  We are going to holding this event at CIFF so make sure you get your spot reserved! ================================


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Published by: Miquel Camps