14/11/2018Probabilistic structures for scalable computing by William Benton
14/11/2018Using Big Data to Assist with Medical Report Coding by John Ortega
14/11/2018Scaling a data function in a complex organisation by Antonio Alvarez
14/11/2018Real time decision making in professional football. From description to prescription by Ander Alcón
14/11/2018You can AI like an expert by Jon McLoone
14/11/2018Welcome Note by CARMEN VIDAL & ÓSCAR MÉNDEZ
14/11/2018Machine Learning on The Edge by Pablo Peris & Carlos de Huerta
14/11/2018Charting Zero Latency Future with Redis by Manish Gupta
14/11/2018Stream processing for analysts with Flink and Nussknacker by Maciek Próchniak
14/11/2018Video Data Ocean Analysis applied to OSINT by Fran J. Gomez & César Jimenez
14/11/2018AI, central element of the Information Systems in the next decade by Elisa Martín
14/11/2018Satellite Imagery: Some of the biggest and most useful data by Steven Pousty
14/11/2018DataOps: from hell to heaven in 24 months by José Manuel Navarro &Luis Villazón
14/11/2018AI beyond chatbots by Óscar Méndez
14/11/2018Three Advanced Analytics use cases in the travel industry by Ferrán García & Santiago Reguero
14/11/2018Data structures with Avro: is it worth it? by Arek Osinski
14/11/2018Machine learning for women’s closets by Gabriel Aldamiz-Echevarria
14/11/2018Big Data for Social Good: Opportunities and Challenges by Nuria Oliver
14/11/2018Advancing Human Exploration by PATRICK E. RODI
14/11/2018MLflow: Accelerating the Machine Learning Lifecycle by Matei Zaharia