15/11/2018De Frida a Ada - Google Slides
15/11/2018¿Y eso no puede hacerlo otro? Despliegue automatizado de software (CI/CD) - Javier Aguirre @javaguirre
15/11/2018Como humanizar tu asistente de voz - Google Slides
14/11/2018DataOps: from hell to heaven in 24 months by José Manuel Navarro &Luis Villazón
14/11/2018MLflow: Accelerating the Machine Learning Lifecycle by Matei Zaharia
14/11/2018Data Privacy @Spotify by Irene Gonzálvez
14/11/2018AI: What are the best doing ... by José Ruiz
14/11/2018Big Data for Social Good: Opportunities and Challenges by Nuria Oliver
14/11/2018Validating Big Data Jobs – Stopping Failures before Production by Holden Karau
14/11/2018Apache Kylin and Use Cases by Luke Han
14/11/2018From BigData to AI @ Telefonica by Chema Alonso
14/11/2018AI beyond chatbots by Óscar Méndez
14/11/2018How to transform a “real world” company and bring it into the 21st century… by Martha Lucía Pava
14/11/2018Adopt AI in your organization by Aarthi Srinivasan
14/11/2018Welcome Note by CARMEN VIDAL & ÓSCAR MÉNDEZ
14/11/2018Probabilistic structures for scalable computing by William Benton
14/11/2018How to build high performing weighted XGBoost ML model for real life imbalance dataset by Alok Singh
14/11/2018AI Adoption in Enterprise by Paco Nathan
14/11/2018AI, central element of the Information Systems in the next decade by Elisa Martín
14/11/2018Advancing Human Exploration by PATRICK E. RODI