01/10/2016Formando squads en Vistaprint - Lightning Talk - Xavi Ivars y Heriberto Betancourt #scbcn16
01/10/2016Practical Metrics and Visualisation for your teams - Hector Barriuso #scbcn16
01/10/2016Testing on the Toilet - Laura Morillo #scbcn16
01/10/2016Técnicas de lectura rápida - Lightning Talk - Daniel Ojeda #scbcn16
01/10/2016Resilencia en microservicios con Hystrix - Lightning Talk - Xavier Fornés #scbcn16
30/09/2016Ciberseguridad en la Industria 4.0
29/09/2016Closures - How are they possible?
20/09/2016XXV Betabeers Huelva
22/07/2016Michael Cullum - PHP FIG: Breaking the boundaries
22/07/2016React PHP & Symfony @ SymfonyCat 2016 - Speaker Deck
22/07/2016Deploying Symfony |
22/07/2016Finally, Professional Frontend Dev with ReactJS, WebPack & Symfony (S…
22/07/2016PHP FIG: Breaking down the Boundaries (Symfony Cat) - Speaker Deck
22/07/2016Benjamin Eberlei - Doctrine ORM and NoSQL
22/07/2016Jeremy Mikola - Five Years of Beta
22/07/2016Ryan Weaver - Finally, Professional Frontend Dev with ReactJS, WebPack & Symfony
22/07/2016Matthias Noback - Programming with Cmdr. Chris Hadfield
22/07/2016Bernhard Schussek - Symfony Forms 101
22/07/2016Albert Casademont - ReactPHP & Symfony
22/07/2016Pablo Godel - Deploying Symfony