Alexandre Serra Jaumot

Project Manager -
Barcelona, España

I received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from UPC-ETSEIB (Barcelona) and from Ecole Centrale Lyon. Recently, I have enrolled in a Web Development Bootcamp at IronHack to further develop my coding skills. With 4 years living abroad, studying engineering and working in Supply Chain, Management Consulting and Software Engineering, I have gained knowledge from different industries in an international scope. Afterwards, I decided to switch my career path to start a new journey in the startup ecosystem and co-founded Keychn App. Currently, I am looking for a startup to work at with a close-knit team and a great product/service. Specialties: Entrepreneurship, Startups, Lean Startup, Product Management, Supply Chain, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.

Member since 17/02/2016

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