
VigoJUG - Containers In Anger with Micronaut

Thursday 14 March 2019, 19:00 - 20:00

​ Rúa C, Nave C-7, Vigo, España

Volvemos cun obradoiro que toca un montón de cousas novas: Docker, Kubernetes, GraalVM e Micronaut.... todo en tres horas e nun formato totalmente práctico: ¡precisas traer o teu equipo e unha regleta!. De balde e apto para todos os niveis xa que traballaremos por parellas. O obradoiro farase da man de Antón R. Yuste @antonmry que o está a preparar para o GReach 2019: https://agenda.greachconf.com/speaker/anton-rodriguez Aquí o resumo: Java 11 is just around the corner and it comes with a lot of very needed features to run JVM applications in Docker. The goal of this workshop is to move beyond slide-sized examples of Dockerfiles and to show how to deploy a working Micronaut application using Docker with the proper tuning and limits. In this session, Anton will build a Docker image with a Java application based in the Micronaut framework. This application will have a very small size following the Docker best practices and take advantage of the GraalVM The Docker image will be deployed in Kubernetes and scaled to demonstrate how powerful is nowadays the JVM in conjunction with Docker and Kubernetes. Then we will expose application and JVM metrics and they will be consumed by Prometheus, a system that records time-series data (telemetry) for monitoring and alerting, and we’ll use Graphana to query and render metrics from the application pods. Along the way, we’ll discover the most common mistakes working with Docker and the JVM and how to avoid them. O obradoiro farase en Optare Solutions (¡graciñas por ceder o local!) as 19:00 o Xoves 14 de Marzo. O rexistro faise a través da páxina do Meetup. A duración estimada será de 3 horas. ¡Non sexas tímida/o, anímate e ven a pasar un bo rato con nos!

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Published by: Betabeers