
ValenciaJS - WebComponents from Scratch

Thursday 26 July 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Calle del Gravador Esteve 14 , Valencia, España

“The web components specifications grew out of the desire to provide a canonical way of creating components that browsers can understand.” - @JamesLMilner Sounds like what your React/Angular/??? components look like? Let’s see the differences and commonalities. For that let’s dive deep into the anatomy of web components. In this session we will build a web component, starting from an empty HTML page. We will go through all parts that make up a web component by building one from scratch, live. You should leave this session knowing how a web component can be made, you might need to look up one or two things later, but all the concepts will be covered and you will get the tools to evaluate or even build your own web component tomorrow. We will cover all your questions and maybe even build the according code right on the spot. Topics we cover contain: Custom elements, Shadow DOM and HTML Templates. (We will also discuss why HTML Imports are out of the race.) -- About Wolfram Kriesing: Wolfram got addicted to JavaScript in 1999, and couldn't shake it off since. In order to learn ES6 he even wrote tests for most language features, findableat es6katas.org and getting those tests green makes him relearn features that he doesn't use too often, and so can you!Besides working for the german online travel company HolidayCheck. He is part of events like the JS CodeRetreat, JSCraftCamp and some meetups. He still likes to dig deep into code and tries to share his excitement. Web components is the latest big thing he just had to jump into.

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Published by: Betabeers