
Software Craftsmanship Madrid - Double Dojo with Amsterdam Software Craftsmanship Meetup

Wednesday 27 July 2016, 18:30 - 19:30

Paseo de la Castellana 280. 1ª Plta., Madrid, España

Let's do our most european kata up to date! We'll be doing a simultaneous kata with Amsterdam Software Craftsmanship Meetup.  This time we will do Poker Hands kata. Same rules as always: bring your code editor, enough environment to run a test and the best of the moods. Be also prepared to pair with somebody you never coded with. During the kata in Madrid we can speak Spanish but it would be awesome, during the comments, to open a hangout and discuss with out Dutch friends. They have already announced their meetup. Have fun! Divirtámonos! Veel plezier! *

* In case somebody speaks Dutch let me excuse myself beforehand for the blatant usage of Google Translator :D

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Published by: Betabeers