
Skills Matter - xMatters Keynote Series - Developer Events - Keynote by Kris Nova on The Power of Linux Virtualization with Cloud Native

Wednesday 19 June 2019, 19:30 - 20:30

10 South Place, London, Reino Unido

At this month's Cloud Matters, we're very excited to be joined by Kris Nova! She'll be telling us more about what makes virtualization possible, and why it's a powerful feature with Cloud Native and Kubernetes. Check it out! PROGRAMME 18:30-19:00 Sign-in and get settled 19:00-19:45 Kris' presentation 19:45-20:00 Q&A------------------------ The Power of Linux Virtualization with Cloud Native Virtualization like the features that bring us containers is an important feature of the Linux Kernel released many years earlier in 2007. In this talk we look at what makes virtualization possible. Furthermore we exam the significance of this powerful feature with Cloud Native and Kubernetes. >IntroWe live code (or demo depending on time and technology constraints) creating a basic virtual machine in Linux. We look at the libraries that make virtualization possible and compare them to the libraries that bring us containers. Again, depending on time constraints we might also live code/demo creating a container as well to demonstrate the differences extremely concretely. After demonstrating the basic technology we then do a quick compare and contrast of popular container and virtualization tools like Docker, Firecracker, Kata, rkt, jails, etc. >Virtualization and Containers with KubernetesAfter the basic lesson is out of the way, and the audience has a warm grasp of vernacular used in the presentation we begin to look at broader system architecture with these two features. We look at basic Kubernetes clusters, and show the many layers composed of both virtualization and containers that make every single cloud based Kubernetes cluster possible. Furthermore after having a clear understanding of the pros and cons of both set of tools, we look at possibilities for the future. What would a Kubernetes cluster using only virtualization look like? What would the advantages and disadvantages be? For instance we look at how virtualization can offer more security and isolation than a basic container runtime system. >ConclusionThe audience walks away feeling warmth and trust in both containers and virtualization, as well as a sense of confidence in running on premise and in hybrid cloud environments. Furthermore the audience feels demystified in the differences between virtualization and containers. We review the broader lessons and advantages and disadvantages of both toolchain one last time to set the technology in stone. Then mic drop and walk away. --------------------------About the Speaker:Kris Nova: Kris Nova is a senior developer advocate at VMware focusing on containers, infrastructure, and Kubernetes. Kris is also an ambassador for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Previously, she was a developer advocate and an engineer on Kubernetes at Heptio, and spent time working on Kubernetes in Azure at Microsoft. Nova has a deep technical background in the Go programming language and has authored many successful open source tools in Go. She is a Kubernetes maintainer and the creator of kubicorn, a successful Kubernetes infrastructure management tool. Nova organizes a special interest group in Kubernetes and is a leader in the community. She understands the grievances with running cloud-native infrastructure via a distributed cloud-native application and recently authored an O’Reilly book on the topic, Cloud Native Infrastructure. Kris lives in Seattle and spends her free time climbing mountains. ---------------------------FREE TICKETS Attendance is free for registered delegates, and you can register here: https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/11780-keynote-by-kris-nova-the-power-of-linux-virtualization-with-cloud-native WHAT, WHEN, WHERE WHAT: Keynote by Kris Nova on The Power of Linux Virtualization with Cloud Native WHEN: Wednesday 19th June, 2019 WHERE: Skills Matter, CodeNode REGISTRATION(FREE): https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/11780-keynote-by-kris-nova-the-power-of-linux-virtualization-with-cloud-native

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Published by: Betabeers