
Skills Matter - X Matters Keynote Series - Developer Events - Keynote by George Adams on AdoptOpenJDK - And how it impacts you in 2019

Thursday 16 May 2019, 19:30 - 20:30

10 South Place, London, Reino Unido

We're excited to be joined by George Adam's for this month's Java Matters! George will be telling us more about AdoptOpenJDK, don't miss it. ------------------------- PROGRAMME 18:30-19:00 Sign-in and get settled 19:00-19:45 George's presentation 19:45-20:00 Q&A ------------------------AdoptOpenJDK - And how it impacts you in 2019 AdoptOpenJDK is rapidly becoming a leading provider of OpenJDK™ binaries. With over 25 million downloads in the last year, it is now a serious contender for your production usage of Java™. AdoptOpenJDK provides prebuilt OpenJDK™ binaries from a fully open source set of build scripts and infrastructure. This talk will cover how we build on over 15 different platforms, execute over 60,000 tests and distribute OpenJDK™ binaries to millions of users. We will also cover how AdoptOpenJDK binaries compare against the Java™ binaries that you use today. If you're curious to understand more about our future roadmap, security and supporting platforms like Lego® Mindstorms® then this is the talk for you! ------------------------- About the Speaker: George Adams George Adams is the Director of open-source at jClarity and is the recently appointed chair of the Technical Steering Committee at AdoptOpenJDK. He has been leading the community outreach efforts at AdoptOpenJDK for the last year and is heavily involved in the Java ecosystem. George also contributes to both the OpenJS Foundation and the Node.js Foundation where he is a core collaborator and plays an active role in several of the work groups. -----------------------------FREE TICKETS Attendance is free for registered delegates, and you can register here: https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/12357-keynote-by-george-adams-on-adoptopenjdk-and-how-it-impacts-you-in-2019 WHAT, WHEN, WHERE WHAT: Keynote by George Adams on AdoptOpenJDK - And how it impacts you in 2019 WHEN: Thursday 16th May WHERE: Skills Matter, CodeNode REGISTRATION(FREE): https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/12357-keynote-by-george-adams-on-adoptopenjdk-and-how-it-impacts-you-in-2019

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Published by: Betabeers