
require('lx') - The JavaScript meetup in Lisbon - Node.js, WebAssembly and ServerSide Rendering July

Wednesday 18 July 2018, 19:45 - 20:45

Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 16, 1050-010 Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Welcome to the July edition of Require('lx')! As usual, this month we have two great speakers: Sara Vieira (@NikkitaFTW) and Tomé Vardasca (@tomvardasca) who will share great quality content with you all. Sara Vieira:Server side rendering with RazzleLet's use this awesome toolkit to create a server side render app without the tears Tomé Vardasca:Node.js and the state of WebAssembly In this talk, we are going to learn about the current state of Web Assembly in Node.js. I will show what are the features available and the current limitations, how can we integrate with our current projects. The native code and demos will be in the Rust programming language. In the end, we will make a comparison between native modules (using Neon) with using Web Assembly. The meetup will be in IDEAHUB Palácio Souto Mayor, and as usual, pizza and beer will be there waiting for you :D See you soon

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Published by: Betabeers