
PyData Mallorca - 13th PyData Mallorca meetup

Wednesday 4 July 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Carrer Laura Bassi 1, Parc Bit, Palma de Mallorca, España

PyData Mallorca is proud to announce our 13th meetup, sponsored by IT Travel Services (http://www.ittravelservices.com). What is PyData? PyData is a group for users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. We gather to discuss best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. We approach data science using many languages, including (but not limited to) Python, Julia, and R. LOCATION The 13th meetup will be held at the Auditorium of Parc Bit (http://www.parcbit.es/), Parc Balear d'Innovació Tecnològica. Thanks to Parc Bit (http://www.parcbit.es/) for letting us use the Auditorium! You can find a complete map of Parc Bit (http://www.parcbit.es/) at: http://www.parcbit.es/wparcbitfront/images/pdf/planoParque.pdf Number 1, Son Espanyol (AUDITORI), is the place where we will meet. AGENDA (Agenda is subject to change in the next days) 7:00pm - Doors open and networking 7:05pm - Community announcements (Spanish) News and information about the community. Share yours too! 7:20pm - Sponsor presentation. 7:25pm - Keynote + Q&A (English) Vadim Markovtsev (https://www.linkedin.com/in/vmarkovtsev/), Lead Machine Learning Engineer at source{d}. 8:05pm - Lightning talks (Spanish) • Lightning talk 1: Big data applied to health, by Silvia Ortín (IFISC). Big data and machine learning combined to detect cardiac arrhythmias in real-time. • Lightning talk 2: Project SAIMON: Standing on the shoulders of giants, by Gustavo Brian (DataOps at Sembo - Stena Line Travel Group AB). SAIMON aims to introduce ML/AI to the company, enjoy the benefit of this technology by solving real business cases and make it accessible to all employees! 8:25pm - Refreshments and networking SPONSORSHIP Thanks to our sponsor IT Travel Services (http://www.ittravelservices.com)! FUTURE SPEAKERS Would you like to speak at this meetup or a future one? Please submit your proposal at: https://goo.gl/forms/YB6xICiYhuU8btrq2

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Published by: Betabeers