
Porto Codes - Porto Codes: November

Thursday 23 November 2017, 20:00 - 21:00

R. de Cândido dos Reis 81, 4050-152 Porto, Porto, Portugal

Hi everyone! This month we are back at Porto i/o for some more Porto Code-ing, see you there :) # Agenda ## 19h00 Introduction Small introduction to the Porto Codes project, and a warm up to the night's presentation. ## 19h30 Vue js - The whole picture, by Bruno Teixeira Bruno is a frontend developer at Pixelmatters and loves Vue.js! He will show Vue.js power on building large web apps based on the framework's progressiveness, scalability and robustness. Why is Vue.js growing soo much on the JS environment? It's time to see the whole picture! ## 20h00 The Dream of Styleguide Driven Development, by Sara Vieira React is awesome! We probably all here agree on that. You have heard of all types of driven development but react emerged a new type, styleguide driven development became a reality with components. This type of development focuses on Developer/Designer collaboration and on assertive components. With the use of React, CSS Modules, Flow and Snapshot testing we were able to almost remove style regressions. In this talk you get a glimpse of you can start styleguide driven development and how you can sell this dream to your project managers. ## 20h15 Up and running with ReasonML, by José Nogueira This will be an introductory talk where we’ll go into what ReasonML is and works, it’s benefits, and what we need to know to start hacking with it. ## 20h30 Dinner + Santini (icecream) We will have dinner downtown, please let us know of any dietary restrictions so we can plan accordingly. Afterwards it is customary to go for icecream at Santini and continue the conversation. # Porto Codes Porto Codes is a meetup for local and international programming enthusiasts. The talks are recorded and published with the presenters' consent as one of our goals is to provide programming resources to the community. Reach us on Slack if you are interested in presenting or chatting with us!

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Published by: Betabeers