
MalagaMakers AFTER7 - June

Thursday 9 July 2015, 19:00 - 22:00

Metropolitan design lab,Calle Alhóndiga 6, 2º C y D, Malaga, España


19:00 - Welcome
19:10 - "real­time communication of sensors for IoT" by Uffe Björklund
20:00 - Lightning talks session open to anyone who wants to speak for 5 minutes maximum. You can present your project or your group, etc.. (read more about lightning talks here). The only rules: should be in English and not to be simple commercial self-promotion (spam).
20:20 - FREE BEERS and networking!!


“Internet Of Things” has been hot for a while now, and these days we are expected to be able to view data from sensors in our smart devices in real time. Data that in the past was viewed (if viewed at all) historically… One of the challenges with IoT is that different sensors/clients has different abilities. There is no standard way of communication for IoT even though there is work being done in that area. In this session we will build and deploy a real time communication solution to Azure so that we can view sensor data in real­time. Hopefully there will be people in the room that will help me to produce sensor data to the cloud service. Things we need to solve in this session:

The sensor­tag (from Texas Instruments) being used will not have a network connection so we will need to bridge the BLE connection to something with network access
We need to be able to connect client using different communication protocols to each other
Monitoring clients have individual needs/demands, so we do not want to broadcast all sensor data to all clients, so how do we solve that?

RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/MalagaMakers/events/223612238/

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Published by: Damián Serrano Thode