
MadridJUG - In-Memory Data Grids, e-commerce and analytics

Tuesday 19 June 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Paseo de la Castellana, 280, 1ª Planta, Madrid, España

En este meetup tendremos a Neil Stevenson, de Hazelcast, que vendrá a hablarnos de In-Memory Data Grids, e-commerce and analytics. Neil is a solution architect for Hazelcast, the world's leading open source in-memory data grid. In more than 25 years of work in IT, Neil has designed, developed and debugged a number of software systems for companies large and small. Given he started his career in Edinburgh, some of you might be maintaining his work! In this talk we'll take a three part look at Hazelcast's In-Memory Data Grid, a popular IMDG choice and the fastest one available. To begin with, simple stuff. What is an IMDG, why would you use one, what can it do, where would you not use it ? Next we'll go to a demo, with an online shop. This will show how IMDG fits in to the big picture, providing real-world benefits of resilience, scalability and security, for very little coding. And finally, we'll take the demo a stage further with added analytics, examining how shopping trends can be tracked to provide insights into customer habits. The talk will be in English, with a Java & Spring demo that you can download after. Esa semana Hazelcast estará en Madrid impartiendo un curso público al que os podéis apuntar aquí: https://hazelcast.com/events/free-instructor-led-training-madrid/ ¡No dejéis pasar esta oportunidad!

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Published by: Betabeers