
MadridJS - The new HTTP/2 protocol

Thursday 30 April 2015, 19:00 - 20:00

C / Alameda, 22, Madrid, España

En el encuentro de este mes tenemos un especial: una interesante charla (en inglés) de Iliyan Peychev, ingeniero core en Liferay. Para la charla introductoria seguimos esperando propuestas, envía la tuya a nuestro GitHub. The new HTTP/2 protocolThe new version of HTTP protocol is coming!HTTP 1.1 forced both developers and browser vendors to invent different tricks in order to make sites to load and run faster. HTTP/2 will provide significant improvements overt HTTP 1.1 and many of these tricks will become unnecessary. On their place, Web developers will introduce new ways for optimizing the pages.In this talk I will give an introduction the protocol and emphasize why is it so important for the Web development workflow. Iliyan PeychevIliyan Peychev is a Software Engineer and UI Infrastructure Lead in Liferay Inc. He started as C developer fourteen years ago, when he was writing software for banks and other financial institutions. Then he became Java developer working in the area of SmartCards and Security. Since 2007 Iliyan is fully devoted to JavaScript and Front-End development. He is highly interested in Server-side JavaScript (NodeJS), Networking and real time data processing. Performance obsessed.

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Published by: Miquel Camps