
mad Scalability - Vault and slow clouds!

Tuesday 12 December 2017, 19:30 - 20:30

Paseo de la Castellana, 93, Madrid, España

Hi all!

I hope that 2017 went well for you and that you still have enough energies to attend to the last mad Scalability meetup of the year! For this special occasion we have lined up two really good talks: Jorge (@jotulainen), engineer at Jobandtalent will talk about: "Vault 101"A brief introduction to hashicorp's vault. How we've deployed it and a real world example. Mario (@marioperest), founder of http://geekytheory.com & developer cloud at isEazy will talk about: "My cloud is slow, what can I do?"To solve performance problems in the cloud we should be really methodic and have a clear process. Load testing, metrics for everything, how to solve bottle necks, optimize and start again. Note that the talk this time is held on Tuesday instead Wednesday because there are plenty of events placed for the end of the year that were overlapping with this one :) We want to thank a lot Jobandtalent's help providing the place, food and drinks. Thanks! PS: I (@agonzalezro) moved to Milán and sadly I can't be on this one for the initial presentations, but I will bring a proper master of ceremonies, no worries! :D

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Published by: Betabeers