
London Python - Plone, django CMS, Wagtail for Python Developers

Thursday 24 November 2016, 20:00 - 21:00

300 St John Street EC1V 4PA, London, Reino Unido

There are some great Python web content management systems (CMS) out there - some are very well known, and others are less well known gems. We're lucky to have Matthew Wilkes, Daniele Procida and Tom Dyson to give us an overview of the venerable Plone, the popular django CMS, and the new Wagtail. We'll have a short overview of each technology and then have an open panel Q&A at the end. The talks will be aimed at technologists and Python developers like ourselves, so we can better understand how these tools can help us to help our users. You don't need to be an expert in CMS or even have previous experience coding for web CMS frameworks, so this meetup is ideal if you want to start finding out what they can offer.

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Published by: Betabeers