
London Python - aiohttp / GeoPandas

Wednesday 23 January 2019, 19:30 - 20:30

10 South Pl, London, Reino Unido

NOTE : Please ensure you sign up with SkillsMatter as well : https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/12034-aiohttp-geopandas 6:30 PM : Doors open 7:00 PM : GeoPandas, the geospatial extension for Pandas - Gareth Lloyd This talk explores the power of spatial data, with an application based on John Snow's 1854 Cholera map. The famous map has many myths surrounding it, and I ask what John Snow could have done differently with modern GIS technology. Gareth has been using Python for over 8 years. He's currently CTO at Housekeep, the UK's biggest online home cleaning service. 7:30 PM : Making 100 million requests with Python aiohttp - Andy Balaam Andy will talk about how to make Python truly asynchronous with aiohttp and have some fun seeing how hard you can push it Andy is a lead dev at OpenMarket, previously at IBM

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Published by: Betabeers