
London MongoDB User Group - Special Event: Getting Started with MongoDB and Java by Justin Lee

Tuesday 3 March 2015, 20:00 - 21:00

116-120 Goswell Road, London, Reino Unido

Justin Lee is going to be delivering a talk on Java and MongoDB.  Justin has been a Java developer since 1996 (and can still remember being excited about the upcoming release of the new Swing UI toolkit). Not counting occasional forays in to desktop development, Justin has spent the better part of the last 19 years doing server-side development including building quasi-Java EE application servers and ORMs and helped shepherd websockets support in to first Glassfish/Grizzly and then in to Java EE itself. He is currently a member of the MMS team at MongoDB where he has worked on the Java driver, Morphia, and mongo-hadoop. He speaks as often as he can at conferences and user groups around the world and blogs less than he intends at antwerkz.com.  Follow Justin on twitter at @evanchooly.  We will start at 19:00 and due to venue requirements we will need to end it at around 20:00.  Networking will be relocated to the nearest pub!   Looking forward to see you all.

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Published by: Miquel Camps