
LJC - London Java Community - Research-Driven Development & Production Profiling: What, Why and How

Tuesday 18 September 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Sign up on Eventbrite for Location, London, Reino Unido

Research-Driven Development: Improve the Software You Love While Staying Productive: Have you ever wondered which parts of your job you love or hate? Chances are that like most developers you love learning and new problems to solve. You hate monotony and bureaucracy. You’ve probably put strategies in place to mitigate the things you don’t like. An anarchic development process like Agile, to reduce the amount of time in meetings. But have you ever thought about the way in which you approach learning and problem solving? Many developers don’t identify themselves as a Researcher (even though by definition they are). Research Driven Development is the acknowledgement that developers are researchers. This presentation expands on this assertion by establishing that modern software development is research. We can then turn to established research doctrine in order to improve our own development. The ultimate goal is to be more productive and spend more time doing what you love. This talk will suit anyone but is focused on improving the enjoyment and productivity of developers. It will provide examples and ideas with strategies that can be implemented to achieve these goals. About the speaker: Phil Winder is a multi-disciplinary freelance architect working towards the research and development of cutting-edge technology. Most recently he has been developing cloud-based full-stack microservice systems for a range of clients but has a significant past in machine learning and electronics. His company, WinderResearch.com, is collaborating with Container Solutions, a container consultancy, to provide R&D services in the container space. This event is being run on Eventbrite. Register your attendance here: http://bit.ly/2Bvjqcb Production Profiling: What, Why and How: Everyone wants to understand what their application is really doing in production, but this information is normally invisible to developers. Profilers tell you what code your application is running but few developers profile and mostly on their development environments. Thankfully production profiling is now a practical reality that can help you solve and avoid performance problems. Profiling in development can be problematic because it’s rare that you have a realistic workload or performance test for your system. Even if you’ve got accurate perf tests maintaining these and validating that they represent production systems is hugely time-consuming and hard. Not only that but often the hardware and operating system that you run in production are different from your development environment. This pragmatic talk will help you understand the ins and outs of profiling in a production system. You’ll learn about different techniques and approaches that help you understand what’s really happening with your system. This helps you to solve new performance problems, regressions and undertake capacity planning exercises. About the speakers:Richard Warburton is a Software Engineer, Teacher and Java Champion. He is a cofounder of Opsian and has a long-standing passion for improving Java performance. He’s worked as a developer in different areas including HFT, Static Analysis, Compilers and Network Protocols. He has written the book “Java 8 Lambdas” for O’Reilly and helps developers learn via http://iteratrlearning.com and http://www.pluralsight.com/author/richard-warburton. Sadiq Jaffer holds a PhD in Autonomous Robotics and has for years consulted for multi-national companies designing and implementing highly scalable intelligent platforms. His experience has included deep learning systems, embedded platforms, desktop and mobile games development. Please sign up with your full name for security purposes on Eventbrite - http://bit.ly/2Bvjqcb. Big thanks to IBM Code for sponsoring the event. You can see our latest jobs here: https://recworks.co.uk/java-developer-jobs-london/ You can see our privacy policy here: http://recworks.co.uk/privacy-policy

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Published by: Betabeers