
LJC - London Java Community - Java 9 and beyond: Meet the Java Community Process Executive Committee

Wednesday 31 January 2018, 20:00 - 21:00

London, EC2M 2RB, GB, London, Reino Unido

We wanted to give you as much notice as possible of this opportunity to meet the Executive Committee of the JCP at the end of January, as this is your chance to talk about - and maybe influence - the future of Java. As you are probably already aware, the Java Community Process (JCP) is the mechanism for developing standard technical specifications for Java technology. It gives Java developers a chance to have their own work become an official component of the Java platform and to offer suggestions for improving and growing the technology. You may even know that the London Java Community is the only elected Java User Group on the JCP Executive Committee. Following a short introduction the evening is an informal opportunity for Java developers to meet the members of the JCP Executive Committee – including the LJC representatives on the committee – find out more about Java 9 and the future of Java and pass on your views to some people with the most influence over the direction it's taking. The Executive Committee want to hear your views, so please sign up and come along if you can. As several members of the Executive Committee will be travelling into London for the meetup we'll be starting at 7 pm, a little later than normal. We'll be posting more details closer to the date, and hope to be able to offer a drink and pizza snack courtesy of LJC sponsors. More news later!  Agenda:  6:15 Doors open and the Skills Matter bar will be available for anyone arriving early and looking for a coffee. 7:00 Meetup starts **N.B. Skills Matter are hosting this LJC event and will allocate a meeting room based on the number of registrations they receive via their own link. It is therefore essential that you confirm your place at this link:  https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/10390-java-9-and-beyond-meet-the-java-community-process-executive-committee Event organised by the awesome folk at RecWorks - check out the blog here: http://blog.recworks.co.uk/ Continue the conversation at our Slack Group: londonjavacommunity.slack.com - Sign up here if you're not a member: https://barrycranford.typeform.com/to/IIyQxd <a href="https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6710-domain-driven-design-nosql"></a>

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Published by: Betabeers