
JavaScript & NodeJS Cambridge - Dylan Schiemann - Choosing a robust JavaScript application architecture

Monday 9 November 2015, 20:45 - 21:45

Unit 6 Dale's Brewery, Gwydir Street, London, Reino Unido

With many toolkits and frameworks available for JavaScript application development, it is often challenging to determine the right architecture and technology decisions. Do you use an existing framework, do you create your own, or do you wait for something better? Do you pick what's popular today, what's popular tomorrow, or what will offer good longevity. There's no perfect answer, but there are ways we can rethink and make sure we're making good decisions. This talk will start with some definitions around what makes for a solid JavaScript software architecture, help determine what you might want from a framework, how to predict problems you might encounter with a framework, and highlight some of the things we consider at SitePen when working on application architecture for large-scale JavaScript projects. We'll conclude by looking at things you should expect from architecture going forward.

Dylan Schiemann is CEO of SitePen and co-founder of the Dojo Toolkit, and contributes to other open source projects like Intern, Mayhem, dgrid, and dstore. Dylan lives in Phoenix with his wife and three kids. While living in London, he helped start the London Ajax user group at a time when there were not enough JS meetups in the UK. http://sitepen.com/ http://dojotoolkit.org http://theintern.io/ http://github.com/sitepen/mayhem/ http://dgrid.io/ http://github.com/sitepen/dstore/ http://londonajax.com/

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Published by: Miquel Camps