
Ironhack Barcelona - Talk | Is Coding a must for Engineers?

Monday 18 December 2017, 18:30 - 19:30

C/Pamplona, 96 - 08018, Barcelona, España

PLEASE REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/engineering-coding-tickets-38105453437) As an engineer, you are not supposed to be a programmer. But nowadays, computers are used in every engineering field. Coding leverages you to a position above the average engineering who fears computer programming. - Is there a relation between engineers and web development? Are these two fields related?- Do engineers have the perfect background to join the coding world?- How important is coding for the day to day activities of "traditional" engineers, such as Industrial, Electrical or Civilian?- Could working on code be a great professional opportunity for an Engineer? At Ironhack we believe that yes, these two worlds are related, and that's the reason why we do this event. We invite all the current and future engineers to get to know the exciting world of Web Development. Witness the real experiences and the transformation of engineers that used. Agenda: • 18:30 Welcome• 18:40 What does coding mean and what's the relation with Engineering?• 19:00 Leveraging coding skills in your day to day job.• 19:20 Jump into coding (Web Dev Bootcamp at Ironhack).• 19:50 Professional opportunities.• 20:00 Networking Come and figure out what one of the current 3 most demanded professions is about. And sure, boost your professional career!

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Published by: Betabeers