
HNLondon - #HNLondon, October 2013

Wednesday 23 October 2013, 19:30 - 20:30

Cowper Street, London, Reino Unido

We are back with some more geeky goodness on Weds, 23rd Oct. As always you can expect some great tech talk from London's top engineering and entrepreneurial talent along with a mountain of beer and pizza.
You can catch up with videos from past events online at http://vimeo.com/hnlondon

We have four talks planned for the event including Architecture of StackOverflow -- the TL;DR from Marco Cecconi from Stackoverflow. I am still confirming the titles of the other talks and will announce the details next week. They will be good. Promise :)
HNLondon is proudly supported by:

Stripe is the easiest way to accept card payments on your website or mobile app. Prior to Stripe, businesses had to spend days communicating with sales reps and filling out complicated forms to begin transacting online. With Stripe, you can create the payment experience you want in minutes, and Stripe will take care of all the heavy lifting, including security and daily transfers to your bank account. Stripe powers payments thousands of businesses of every size—from start-ups to blue chip companies. Get started at https://stripe.com/gb

Secret Sales: When you finish a feature, can you release it with confidence right away, or do you have to wait days or weeks to find out what users think? Secretsales uses continuous delivery to get super-rapid feedback on all the features we build for our busy, successful online shopping site. In addition, we are a team of generalising specialists, ready at the drop of a hat to refine an algorithm, write a tricky integration test, tune a SQL query, or discuss feature nuances with a product manager. We hold regular retrospectives to improve our working environment and lightning talks to share cool ideas whether work-related or not. Write to our CTO Squirrel at douglas.squirrel@secretsales.com to find out more about jobs at Secretsales.
Adaptive Lab is a creative technology company. We partner with companies to help them compete, grow and innovate. Disruption by new technology, changing consumer behaviours and new entrants means the landscape for our clients is fast moving. We help them operate in this environment by collaborating to create innovative new products and services. We draw inspiration from the world of technology startups and adopt a lean startup approach which enables us to rapidly prototype and bring new products into the market. Our team have backgrounds in technology companies both big and small, R&D both academia and corporate as well as digital agencies. We are looking to hire Python Developers and a Product Manager. https://www.adaptivelab.com/jobs
10gen is the company behind MongoDB, an open source, document-oriented database designed with both scalability and developer agility in mind. 10gen offers production support, training, and consulting for the open source database. The goal of MongoDB is to bridge the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and scalable) and relational databases (which have rich functionality).

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Published by: Miquel Camps