
HNLondon - #HNLondon, July 2013

Wednesday 10 July 2013, 19:30 - 21:30

Cowper Street, London, Reino Unido

I hope you are all enjoying the glorious summer sunshine. A few months ago we had an incredible talk from Facebook's Philip Su about their engineering philosophy and practices (if you missed it: http://vimeo.com/60896034). This month we are delighted to welcome another of Facebook's top engineers Adam Hupp, who will talk about some of the enormous engineering issues they face and how they solve them at scale.

If you have a cool weekend or hackathon hack you want to present as part of the Hack of the Month spot, please post it to discourse at http://discourse.hnlondon.com/t/july-hack-of-the-month/168 . We will pick a winner on 1st July.

The event will be compered by Sanderson Jones and accompanied by tons of free beer and pizza. Since quite a few people were upset about pizzas running out early last time, I promise to bump up the order this time.
We would like to thank our sponsors for their support

More information

Published by: Miquel Camps