
Hackathon Mobility Barcelona

Saturday 11 March 2017, 09:00 - Saturday 18 March 2017, 20:30

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord, Calle Jordi Girona, 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Phones were made to make us more connected with the world:
Mainly though as a tool to call, they suffered an evolution to make our life easier. New technologies such as cameras, bluetooth, wifi… made our experiences with our phones wider and better. Since we are carrying them most of the time, the context of its usability is almost infinite.
Cars were made to make us more connected with the world:
Just like our phones, they are suffering the same evolution with the new technologies that being introduced. Since the context of its usability is basically on the streets, their capacity of understand what’s going on near them and in the city context it’s going to be crucial in the future of Mobility.
Anyway, the car itself is material of research: Every day we are more exigent with our vehicles, we want it to be more comfortable and easier to use. New applications and hardware help us with that.
This hackathon sponsored by SEAT and ALTRAN focuses on those aspects. The future of mobility, our experience with it and the services derived from its usage. This creative event includes tutorials on key technologies. A wide range of devices will be available for use, and sensors’ data from a smart car will be provided to validate the solution that is developed.
Projects will be evaluated by a jury in the following categories:
• Smart mobility
This award recognizes the idea and the development of a project that improves or creates a service based on the exchange of data between cars and city data.
The winner team will receive €2,000.
• Driving experience (apps)
This award recognizes the idea and the development of a project that improves the driver and passengers experience through in-situ or mobile applications.
The winner team will receive €2,000.
• Driving experience (hardware)
This award recognizes the best hardware implementation and interaction that improves the driver and passengers experience
The winner will receive €2,000.
Participants will receive merchandising from the sponsors, and a commemorative t-shirt. In addition, food and drinks will be available throughout the event.

More information

Published by: CARNET