
Docker Lisbon - Docker Global Hackday Lisbon 2015

Saturday 19 September 2015, 11:00 - 12:00

Rua Sinais de Fogo Lote 2.07.02, Lisboa, Portugal

Let us join all the Docker community around the world for the Docker Global Hack Day #3! Start thinking about great hack ideas and submit them here. More info bellow or at the official Docker GHD #3 website. The event will also feature a talk by a guest speaker + a workshop by @pierreozoux. Detailed schedule soon! https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d764c4e606de8bed77408068e4d7d72848573a98/68747470733a2f2f626c6f672e646f636b65722e636f6d2f6d656469612f323031352f30372f676c6f62616c6861636b646179332e706e67 Rules: As a team of 1-3 hackers, you will hack on a project using Docker or its infrastructure plumbing (runC, Notary) as a central piece. You will have exactly from 4pm PDT on Wednesday, September 16th to 9am PDT on Monday, September 21st to complete this project. This window includes the time to create all materials needed for your submission. Although it is not allowed to start your project before 4pm PDT on Wednesday, September 16th, we strongly encourage everyone to think about project ideas in advance. We will build a page with all the project ideas for everyone to see what ideas have already been submitted and help participants form teams. Everyone will submit projects in one of three categories listed below: 1) Docker Plugins2) Docker Plumbing – runC, Notary, etc3) Docker Freestyle – must use features from Docker 1.7 and above. Submit Your Hack Ideas: You will be able to submit through this form with the following information: • Hack Title• Brief abstract [masked] word description)• Hacker Name• Best way to contact project lead• URL describing the project idea• How can other people help you? The Docker community will then vote on the best hack in each category in two different ways. Winners: 1) Local Docker Meetup winners  A jury composed of Docker Engine core maintainers will vote for the local edition winners from each Meetup group that organized a local edition of the Docker Global Hack Day. Prizes for the local edition winners will be announced soon. 2) Global Docker Global Hack Day Winners We will build a page with all projects and videos for the community to vote for the global winner. Note that Local Docker Meetup winners will be featured on this page. Voting will be done through social networks – stay tuned for an update on how this voting will work. The Global winning team will be invited to attend DockerCon Europe(conference passes + accommodations for each member of the winning team). </a> Connect with the Docker hackers from around the world! During the day the <a href="https://www.docker.com/company/team/">Docker team and the Docker community will be on IRC helping you hack your project or answering questions about Docker. The official back channel for this event on IRC is #docker. The official hashtag for the event on Twitter is #dockerhackday. Everybody will tweet using this hashtag. You can also follow us on Twitter to receive news real-time during the day.

More information

Published by: Miquel Camps