
Docker Barcelona - Introduction to Docker (Workshop)

Saturday 28 May 2016, 15:45 - 16:45

-, Barcelona, España

Join us in the Docker Barcelona Meetup Workshop session (#dockerbcn). Our Docker group has grown a lot, we're currently at 1.150 members now. We'll focus this month's meetup to the new members so we'll give an introduction workshop to Docker. This is a _revamped_ version of a previous Docker Workshop updated with the latest features of Docker.

Schedule • 15:45 "Welcome" session • 16:00 "Docker Basics" workshop by Dimitris Kapanidis • 17:00 "Docker Machine" workshop by Gil Casadevall • 18:45 "Docker Compose" workshop by Dimitris Kapanidis • 18:45 "Q&A" Session • 19:30 closing session & beers

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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Published by: Betabeers