
databeers madrid VI

Thursday 23 April 2015, 19:00 - 21:00

Medialab Prado, calle Alameda 15, Madrid, España

The next Databeers event is ready, and this is the main event, the official branch (not to be confused with the other Databeers branded event co-organized with CI-BBVA). As we announced in the last meetup, this event is celebrated in conjunction with the Big Bang Data exhibition as one of their collocated OjoAlData events.

The meeting place is also special and we will meet April 23rd at 19:00 at MediaLab Prado Calle Alameda 15. Please find the map here.

Please, register here for the event: REGISTRATION LINK

Our invited data-speakers:
“Datos no convencionales en problemas financieros” Esteban Moro (http://estebanmoro.org)
"Se dice el pecado, pero no el pecador". Borja Adsuara (Adsuara) @adsuara
"Los datos del banco en la portada del periódico" Mar Cabra (http://www.icij.org/) @cabralens
“Llámalo irracional”. Santiago López. (i.ngen.io). @ComandanteTom_
“Transbordadores, soldados y pasta de dientes”. Javier Cañada (www.terremoto.net) @javiercanada

We want to rock harder than ever, and therefore we need your help inviting your friends to come over, because as you know the more the merrier!

More information

Published by: Marcelo Soria Rodríguez