
Big Data Developers in Madrid - Machine Learning: fun example and Top 10 musts

Tuesday 29 January 2019, 18:30 - 19:30

Calle Corazón de María, 44 (esquina con Santa Hortensia), Madrid, España

Para empezar bien este 2019 os traemos a uno de nuestros mejores Data Scientist de Europa!(sesiones en Inglés) No te lo puedes perder si te interesa todo lo relacionado con AI/ Machine Learning/Deep Learning en el marco de las tecnologías Open Source! ** IMPORTANTE, no te olvides de traer tu DNI u otro documento identificativo para poder acceder por el control de seguridad ** 18:30 – 18:45. "Intro y bienvenida" – Victoria Gómez, IBM Big Data sales leader para Europa ** 18:45 - 20:15. Willem Hendriks - IBM Data Scientist "Automated Christmas Dinner"Willem will explain some Machine Learning basics and demo a few open-source Automated Machine Learning packages, and going to share my findings and apply them to find the best recipe. "The What-We-Learned in Machine-Learning top 10 for 2018"We are sure everybody has learned something interesting in 2018 - a model, package, tool, or an interesting paper. Let's talk about our favorites and come up with a top 10 ML things-we-learned in 2018.Can be tools/packages/papers/models!To kick-start, Willem will share his personal top 10. ** 20:15 - 20:45 - Pizzas y networking TE ESPERAMOS!!!

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Published by: Betabeers