
BarcelonaJUG - Antora , the last iteration in the Asciidoctor ecosystem.

Thursday 20 September 2018, 19:00 - 20:00

Carrer Pedro i Pons, 6-8, Barcelona, España

Antora (https://antora.org/) is the last iteration in the Asciidoctor ecosystem.Asciidoctor has proven to be an excellent solution to write all sorts of documentation with its embedded features, extensibility and because it’s fun! "Docs as code" is no longer a new thing, and now Antora takes it a step further and offers a platform to aggregate, render and publish your documentation from different versioned repositories into ready-to-publish sites.In this session we see how Antora can help you by simplifying your documentation pipeline, encouraging good practices and above all, ensure your documentation stays up with the quality of your code." Speakers on this session will be : >> Abel Salgado Romero ( @abelsromero )Software engineer working at everis. Coming from a career focused on Content Management solutions around Java technologies has recently shifted to cloud solutions in Azure. Strong advocate for open source philosophy, and the importance of good testing and documentation. Contributes maintaining the asciidoctor-maven-plugin and lending a hand wherever he can. >> Alex Soto ( @alexsotob )Software engineer at Red Hat in Developers group. He is a passionate about Java world, software automation and he believes in the open source software model. Alex is the creator of NoSQLUnit project, member of JSR374 (Java API for JSON Processing) Expert Group, the co-author of Testing Java Microservices book for Manning and contributor of several open source projects such as Arquillian ecosystem or Asciidoctor. He is an international speaker presenting his talks at software conferences like Devoxx, JavaOne, JavaZone or JavaLand.

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Published by: Betabeers