
Barcelona Python Meetup - Python July Meetup

Thursday 28 July 2016, 19:00 - 20:00

Plaza Catalunya, 1, Barcelona, España

Talks:  • Efficient Django, by David Arcos. Does Django scale? How to manage traffic peaks? What happens when the database grows too big? How to find the bottlenecks? We will overview the basics concepts on scalability and performance, and then see some tips and tricks. These statements will be backed up with experiments and numbers, to show the timing improvements. 30 mins. • Kinto - A minimalist JSON storage service, by Mathieu Leplatre. Kinto (https://kinto.readthedocs.io) is a HTTP service — built with Pyramid — with synchronisation and sharing features. It is meant to be easy to use and easy to self-host. In this talk, I'll present the main use-cases (from quick weekend hacks to delivery of security settings to millions of Firefox users), and a quick tour on how we leverage the pluggability of Pyramid. 30 mins Venue: Skyscanner Offices (Plaça Catalunya 1 , 5th floor) Access Control (IMPORTANT): There is access control in the building, so we are going to provide security the attendee list. Make sure you have your full name (first name and surname) in your profile. Users without their full name will be removed from the list. We're limited to 65 people, please be responsible when signing up and free up your seat before 13:00 the same day meetup is taking place (after that, attendees list IS NOT GOING TO BE UPDATED).  -------------------------------------------------------------  If you want to give a talk at the next python Meetup, please submit your ideas through this form: http://pybcn.org/call-for-speakers.html<a href="http://tiny.cc/pybcn-propose-talk"></a>

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Published by: Betabeers